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If you have any questions, do not use this product, and contact us for clarification.


What ammunition should I use  with my Deception-X 

  • Although intended for .300 blk, the Decption-X is rated for .308 semi-auto use. You can use almost any factory ammunition that you want that is .308 on down as defined by NATO standards in size, velocity, energy, and pressure, and is the correct ammunition for the firearm. Please contact us if you have any questions.

What are the barrel restrictions with my Deception-X?

  • All 300blk silencers are designed for use with barrels that are down to 7” with .300 blk. 12″ with .308/7.62. Using them on shorter barrels may result in excessive wear and could potentially lead to a baffle strike or more serious damage.

Can I use my Deception-X Wet?

  • No. All rifle caliber silencers, including the Deception-X, are designed to be used dry. 

Does the suppressor void my firearm warranty?

  • The suppressor should not void your factory warranty. We recommend reaching out to the firearm manufacturer for their specific warranty information.

What is my silencer warranty?

Your Deception-X silencer has a limited 100% warranty and beyond. Warranty Information

What is the “beyond” part of my silencer warranty? 

The beyond services are for the original silencer owner with an approved Form 4 tax stamp or LE Agencies Form 5 but with limitations. 

  • Please view the FAQ tab below for warranty information.
  • You will need to register your silencer here to receive these services.