If you have any questions, do not use this product and contact us for clarification.
Model: IASW-S (Short Barreled Rifle)
*We recommend that you remove the core from the silencer tube for a short time once you are done shooting. This will keep the tube and core from seizing together during the expansion/contraction from the suppressor cooling off from use. Make sure that your firearm is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction. Use a heat resistant glove if needed.
Proper cleaning of your integral silencer is imperative for a long lifespan and to maintain the ability to disassemble. Cleaning must be performed after every shooting session, not to exceed 300 rounds per shooting session before cleaning. Clean the firearm as recommended by the manufacturer, however, use a bore snake, not a cleaning patch when cleaning the barrel and chamber of the firearm. Specialty bore snakes for integrals, and permanently pinned suppressors are available on our webstore.Specialty Bore Snake
*Before cleaning be certain the firearm is unloaded, the magazine is removed and the bolt is open and locked back. Keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.
#1. Remove the core from the tube body.
Unscrew the silencer from the barrel nut of the firearm. Grasp the silencer tube body and insert the provided takedown tool in the front of the silencer core (muzzle end). Unscrew the core from the tube by turning the tool counterclockwise until the core is free of the tube body.
#2. Clean the inside of the tube body.
Slide the core in and out of the tube body while using a twisting motion. This will loosen lead and powder build up and allow the debris to fall onto the ground or disposable cloth. Wipe the threads clean with a clean cloth and gun solvent (such as hoppes #9). After ensuring that the threads are clean, place a small amount of synthetic grease on the threads. Do not use an ammonia based cleaner on the tube.
#3. Cleaning the silencer core.
With a clean cloth and gun solvent wipe clean the outside and inside of the core and the internal threads of the core. After assuring the threads are clean, place a small amount of synthetic grease on the threads. To deep clean the core chambers, you may submerge the core in a gun solvent over night or use a sonic cleaner. Use a bore brush and gun solvent to scrub the core chambers clean. You can use any gun solvent to clean the core.
#4. Reassemble the core to the tube body.
Screw the core into the tube body firmly together (hand tight). Firmly thread the suppressor back onto the firearm barrel nut (hand tight).
- Please go to the IASW-S FAQ tab to see you Beyond The Warranty information about our maintenance services.